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Hearing Aid Services in Annandale

Hearing Loss

Annandale, VA

Many people assume hearing loss is just part of aging, but it is possible to maintain good hearing well beyond youth. It’s true that age contributes to hearing loss, but there are many other factors that influence a person’s level of hearing, which is why protecting your hearing is so important. And because hearing plays such an important role in our day-to-day lives and quality of our relationships, it is important to seek medical attention if you notice a change in your hearing.

Learn More about Hearing Loss and Ear Care

Factors Contributing to Hearing Loss

In addition to age, several other factors can contribute to hearing loss, including:

  • Noise
  • Medication
  • Illness
  • Trauma
  • Infection


Treatment for hearing loss varies based on its cause and whether it is sudden or gradual. Sometimes, the only treatment is to manage the symptoms and prevent them from worsening. If hearing loss is acute and caused by an infection or illness, treating the primary problem will likely restore hearing.

If you’re in Annandale, VA, and experience any symptoms related to hearing loss, the most important thing you can do is discuss the problem with your doctor. He or she can determine the cause and create the appropriate treatment plan.

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Your Consultation Awaits!

Ready to discuss your ear care options? Schedule a consultation with our compassionate team at our convenient location in Rockville, MD with over 42 years of experience. During your personalized consultation, we’ll listen attentively to your concerns, answer your questions, and collaborate with you to design a treatment plan that aligns with your needs.

Contact us today to discover how our hearing aid services can help!

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